Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Humanoid Cat

I loved cats since my childhood, but two years ago something happened that made me to hate cats. There was a very pretty cat in the back of  my school, she was one of the cutest cats I have ever seen.  I believed  her behavior and potential could be a thesis topic for a farrier. She was so wired though, she spent a long time climbing the tree and when she reached to the top of the tree, she would come back and do the same thing again and again for more than ten times. Sometimes she just laid down on the grass and turned her face toward the sun just like some women that lay under the sun in beaches. I don't know why but I loved that cat so much.... I remember one day, I was so sad and disappointed, I sat on the ground and the cat came to me, I threw a biscuit for her and she ate all of it, she looked at me and I said go... I don't have anymore, but she didn't go. She put her head on my feet and fell sleep; I started to pat her but after some minutes she jumped on my leg and I shoot her with my feet and ran away. I didn't understand why she jumped on my leg, but I still loved her because her first action was really interesting for me.
The next day, my friends and I were sitting on the same place that I was the day before. The cat came to us, I started to pat her again but I didn't have anything to give him, so he went away. One of my friends said that's disgusting, I said why? he said I don't know, I just feel she is like a human, look how she comes to you and looks at you, how she makes you pat her and how she rubs her body to your legs, Or how she becomes so wild at the time that you really don't expect this, just like some people. Since that day until now, I hate cats, and I know it is not a good reason, but I just hate them.... I think some of animals really have human's attributives. Sometimes we simulate some bad human's attributives to animals, because we think that animal's attributives look bad in human's body. We never think that human's attributives look worse in animal's body. Just like that cat.

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