Thursday, March 24, 2011


We all do some mistakes in our life... some of them are small mistakes which we could forget really soon, but some of them we can't even forget... they actually affect our life and will stay in our mind forever.
The major problem that we people have is that we never try to learn anything from other's mistakes ,and we always prefer to do them, and see the results by ourselves. Then we ask ourselves "why I did the same mistake as he/she did?".
It was two years ago when one of my friends did a huge mistake, and he told me to never do that in my life. Last year I did the same mistake, I remember I was so upset and I asked myself why I didn't listen to him? 
So I tried to come up with something so I can always remember to do not do that mistake again... I wrote something in my notebook and memorized it, and it actually helped me a lot.

" I heard someone screaming. I couldn't understand what he is saying. The voice was coming from the well. I think someone needed my help. I moved my head forward and screamed, WHO IS THERE?, then he answered " be careful, someone is back of you ", I just turned my head, and someone pushed me down. when I opened my eyes, I found myself at the end of the well, I couldn't stand up, my body hurt so bad. I screamed HELP...HELP. After some minutes someone came beside the well and said WHO IS THERE????"

Okay, that was what I wrote in my notebook, It helped me to always learn from other's mistakes and to don't do them. It helped me to always look forward when I want to do something , even if it is not an important thing.

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