Thursday, June 2, 2011

Albretch Durer

In a small village near Nuremberg, a family lived with 18 kids. The father of the family had to work 18 hours a day.  In this situation Albrecht Durer and his brother Albert (two of 18 children) had a dream in their mind. They both wished to be a painter, but they knew that their father can never pay the money for their education. One night after a long time discussing in bed, two brothers decided to do something. They decided to throw the coin in the air and the looser had to go and work in the mine and give the money to the other brother so he can study in a University. Then the brother who finished his education after 4 years  had to sell his painting and support the other one to go to University, so both can reach their wish. In Saturday morning they threw the coin in the air when they were in the church.  Albrecht Durer won and went to Nuremberg, instead Albert went to a dangerous mine in the south. Albert worked full time in the mine for four years to support his brother who was in the University. Albrecht's paintings were better than his teachers, he got a lot of money from selling his painting during his graduation year. When the young artist went back to his village, his family held a  banquet for Albrecht's return and his success. After dinner Albrecht stood up and told his brother: " Albert, now it is your turn, you can go to Nuremberg and I will support you as much as I can." All heads turned to the end of the table where Albert was sitting. Tears from Albert's eyes came down. He stood up and said:" No brother, I can not go to Nuremberg, it is too late, see what happened to my hands during this four years of mining work,my fingers  broke several times and I feel  pain in my right hand, I can not even hold a cup in my hand.
One day Albrecht went to his brother for appreciating all of the hard works that he did for him, he took his brother hands that were attached to each other  and turned them skyward. He painted his brother's hands and called his painting "hands", but world understood all the emotions that were in the painting and called it "prayer hands."
More than 450 years passed from that story and Albrecht's paintings are in every great museum around the world.

I learned that sacrifice is a great thing that not every body can do it, sacrifice can be painful and hurt you sometimes, but the effect that it has on someone else would heal all your pains. Mother Teresa has a good quote "Love cannot remain by itself ; it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is service. " It means If you love somebody you should serve him/her, you should always help your love ones and sacrifice for them. Remember sometimes you may change someone else's life just by doing small things.

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