Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life is like a self-service

This story is about the first visit of "Emmet Fox", contemporary writer and philosopher, from a self-service restaurant, when he came to America for the first time. 
He never been in that kind of restaurants. He waited for a waiter but nobody came to him, he stayed on his seat for a long time. Every moment that passed, he became more angry because the waiters did not looked at him at all. He looked at the people that were came after him and they all had their plates full of food.
Finally he went to a man that was sitting on the seat next to him. Emmet told him" I am sitting here for almost 20 minutes and nobody cares about me, but you are here for only 5 minutes and you have your food in front of you. What is the problem? How do the restaurants work in this country?”
The man was really amazed, he looked at Emmet and told him" This restaurant is a self-service", he pointed to the end of the restaurant where the foods were then he continued "go there and grab a plate then choose every food you want, pay the money and then come here and eat your food!".
Emmet Fox was really ashamed and did everything that the man was telling him to do, but when he put his food on the table, something came to his mind. Yes, life is like a self-service. All happiness, despondences, chances and situations are in front of us, but this is us that are sitting on our seat toughly and looking to the others to see what they got in their plates. We always look at others plates to see what they have more than us and we never think to stand up and see what are there for us and choose everything we want.
I learned that you should never wait for something to turn up. Don’t be content to let things drift along, hoping for the best. It is not spiritual to ‘put up’ with inharmonious conditions. If the conditions of your life are not to your liking, you must get to work on your own consciousness and, by raising that above the outer picture, cause those conditions to become something doing this until you find your True Place nearer to your heart’s desire.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

She had one eye

My friend's mother didn't have one eye. She lost her eye by an accident when she was little. I was in 2nd grade and he was in 1st grade. One day when we came back from school, he started crying. His mother asked him what is wrong? and he showed his painting to his mother. I could see the discomfort in her eye; she hugged him and told him that she will talk to his teacher tomorrow. He effaced the tears from his face and went outside to play with his friends.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed the painting from the ground and looked at the painting. He had to draw the face of one of the family members. He drew his mother's face with one eye and there was a black whole instead of other eye. There was 10 out of 20 under his painting with a note "Dear J.K you should be careful, all people have two eyes". My tears came out of my eyes. I hugged his mother and told her that I hate her son and he is so mean, he shouldn't draw you like that. She looked in my eyes and told me "don't cry, you shouldn't get mad of him, he is a boy; boys are more realistic than girls, they see everything as they really are but girls see everything as they like to see". Then she told me," it is better for you to learn how to draw your painting realistic not the way you like your painting to be". Next day we all went to school with J.K's mother, I exactly remember our art teacher's face when her mother was talking to him, he was so impressed and he just said one sentence " I am sorry, I didn't know". His mother said "I think 10 is a really low grade for being a realist kid” and our teacher said” Yes you are right". I saw J.K in the afternoon, he was so happy, he showed me his painting and there was a 20 instead of 10 on his painting. He looked at me and told me" I am a really good artist" and I said yes you are. Then I started crying, he asked me "why are you crying"? I said because I am a girl ;).
I learned two lessons that day:
1. To be a realistic person.
2. To never judge early about anything, you don't even know what problems people have.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What is going to be on this blog?

For the first post on this blog, I want to tell you what this blog is going to be about and why I chose this title for my blog.
During 18 yeas of my life; I learned a lot of lessons from my mistakes, others mistakes and others success. I usually write these lessons so I can always remember them and use them  in my life .
All people make some mistakes in their life, but successful people always learn lessons from their mistakes and try to not doing them again.
I want to share my lessons on this blog, this way I can review them again and it may also help others who want to have a good life with fewer mistakes.